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2024-05-22 22:32:03: Logging to stdout enabled
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Initialising aMuleD 2.3.3 compiled with wxBase(GTK2) v3.2.2 and Boost 1.82
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Checking if there is an instance already running...
2024-05-22 22:32:03: No other instances are running.
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Creditfile loaded, 0 clients are known
2024-05-22 22:32:03: *** TCP socket (ECServer) listening on
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Created Server UDP-Socket at port XXXX
2024-05-22 22:32:03: ListenSocket: Ok.
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Created Client UDP-Socket at port XXXX
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading server.met file: /ruta/al/directorio/.aMule/server.met
2024-05-22 22:32:03: 11 servers in server.met found
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading temp files from /ruta/al/directorio/temp.
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading PartFile 1 of 3
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading PartFile 2 of 3
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading PartFile 3 of 3
2024-05-22 22:32:03: All PartFiles Loaded.
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Found 3 part files
2024-05-22 22:32:03: No shareable files found in directory: /ruta/al/directorio/incoming
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Found 0 known shared files
2024-05-22 22:32:03: web server running on pid 43
2024-05-22 22:32:03: amuled: OnInit - starting timer
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Asio thread 1 started
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Asio thread 4 started
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Loading IP filters 'ipfilter.dat' and 'ipfilter_static.dat'.
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Asio thread 3 started
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Asio thread 2 started
2024-05-22 22:32:03: New external connection accepted
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Connecting client: aMuleweb 2.3.3
2024-05-22 22:32:03: Access granted.
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Loaded 222114 IP-ranges from '/ruta/al/directorio/.aMule/ipfilter.dat'.
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Loaded 0 IP-ranges from '/ruta/al/directorio/.aMule/ipfilter_static.dat'.
2024-05-22 22:32:04: IP filter is ready
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Connecting
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Connecting to eMule Security (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX) using protocol obfuscation.
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Read 153 Kad contacts
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Kad started.
2024-05-22 22:32:04: 22:32:04: Error: Failed to modify descriptor 21 in epoll descriptor 15 (error 2: No such file or directory)
2024-05-22 22:32:04: Skipped download of ipfilter.dat, because requested file is not newer.
2024-05-22 22:32:05: Connecting to eMule Sunrise (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX) using protocol obfuscation.
2024-05-22 22:32:30: Connection attempt to eMule Security (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX) timed out.