La homo paradoksuma (Vladimir Kobrin, 1989)

Sección dedicada al cine experimental. Largometrajes, cortos, series y material raro, prácticamente desconocido o de interés muy minoritario.
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La homo paradoksuma (Vladimir Kobrin, 1989)

Mensaje por helge79 » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 10:00

Here is one more cute little thingy that has recently popped up on the Russian arthouse forums. Vladimir Kobrin worked in Moscow at the twilight of Soviet cinema, and it has not been until now that his work became available to the public.

In this short, Kobrin departs from the visual style of the Soviet science education films, while saturating the screen with surreal and constructivist imagery. The subject-matter at hand is the radio messages transmitted to the outer space in hope of establishing contacts with the alien civilizations. Since, as the filmmaker remarks, the attitude of the intended recepients to the contents of the messages is not known, the movie proceeds at length listing the opinions of the various crew members to this end. The narration is witty, but the movie is predominantly visual in nature, and the lack of subtitles should not be too much of a hindrance... Check it out! :D


ed2k linkVladimir.Kobrin.-.1.3.-.La.homo.paradoksuma.1.(1989).avi ed2k link stats

Código: Seleccionar todo

Filesize: 246.65 Mb ( 258 634 748 bytes )
Play length: 00:20.560 (26014 frames)
Video: 640x480 (1.33:1), 25 fps, DivX Codec 5.2.1 ~1882 kbps avg, 0.25 bit/pixel
Audio: 44.100 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~96.00 kbps avg
Language: Esperanto with a Russian accent (if there is indeed such a thing as Esperanto with an accent) with a Russian voice-over :lol:
Subtitles: none as of now
Última edición por helge79 el Mar 07 Feb, 2006 10:45, editado 2 veces en total.

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Mensaje por MalachihcalaM » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 10:28

Helge, you just HAVE to join cinemagrotesque.. :P

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Registrado: Vie 15 Jul, 2005 02:00

Mensaje por helge79 » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 10:41

MalachihcalaM escribió:Helge, you just HAVE to join cinemagrotesque.. :P
Hey Malachi, thanks a lot. I think cinemagrotesque would have benefitted most if you got this guy to join:


Unfortunately, I have no idea about his contact information... :roll:

Please don't overestimate me... :D I am just a little man with some circumstantial interest for unorthodox art. But I am always glad to bring up a few things that you guys/girls over here would enjoy... :D

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Mensaje por polileek » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 18:12

Click . click . Gracias Helge79.
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la mosca ha de mamar sus propios pechos
con su máscara de madrehuevo
en un solo tiempo de parto"

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Mensaje por pickpocket » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 22:13

Yo también me lo llevo, muchas gracias helge79 :D

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Mensaje por marvin2kk » Mar 07 Feb, 2006 23:43

yo tambien me lo pido

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Mensaje por vespertilum » Jue 09 Feb, 2006 00:19

Me too, thanks helge79 :D

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Mensaje por Mantua » Jue 09 Feb, 2006 19:26

(Jo, qué cante, mi primera peli en ESPERANTO!)
Gracias, helge79.
"No se trata de quién tiene razón; lo que importa es saber quién manda" (L.Carroll)

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Mensaje por seiyuro_hiko » Vie 10 Feb, 2006 00:00

Thanks-a-million Helge :)
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everythings fainting
like the windless delicacy of the air
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Mensaje por auess » Vie 10 Feb, 2006 18:27


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Mensaje por Valdis » Sab 11 Feb, 2006 07:36

Clicking it quickly!!

Thanks a lot, helge :plas: :plas:

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Re: La homo paradoksuma (Vladimir Kobrin, 1989)

Mensaje por kabe » Dom 07 Nov, 2021 01:40

Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately there seem to be no seeds currently. Might someone who keeps a copy possibly share it? Thanks!

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Re: La homo paradoksuma (Vladimir Kobrin, 1989)

Mensaje por Faeton » Vie 19 Nov, 2021 17:02

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Re: La homo paradoksuma (Vladimir Kobrin, 1989)

Mensaje por kabe » Vie 19 Nov, 2021 22:35

Faeton escribió:
Vie 19 Nov, 2021 17:02
kabe escribió:
Dom 07 Nov, 2021 01:40
Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately there seem to be no seeds currently. Might someone who keeps a copy possibly share it? Thanks!
Leaving here links for the three parts of this series:

ed2k linked2k://|file|Homo%20Paradoxum%20(1989).mkv|249002725|B421727B6AE58F7478FCB918CDD9E23A|/|sources,|/ ed2k link stats
ed2k linked2k://|file|Homo%20Paradoxum%20II%20(1990).mkv|249881842|5F643FCFA76EC180D7A2F5B034671213|/|sources,|/ ed2k link stats
ed2k linked2k://|file|Homo%20Paradoxum%20III%20(1991).mkv|288997133|E34C5212D514AC23C212C8F682F01B54|/|sources,|/ ed2k link stats
Got it. Thank you so much! :plas: :plas: